Talkin’ Books: November 5, 2014

Books Finished:
He’s So Fine by Jill Shalvis

Kindle Books In Progress:
Tatterdemon by Steve Vernon

Print Books in Progress:
Johnny the Homicidal Maniac: Director’s Cut

Comic Books:

Just a very quick update this week – it’s NaNoWriMo time, and I’m writing up a storm. Even so, I *need* the last Lucky Harbor book by Jill Shalvis, because He’s So Fine was…well, so fine, and the excerpt for the next book hooked me right in.

Payday isn’t until Friday though, and I’m dead broke, so when I do get a few minutes to read, I’ll have to make do with something already on my kindle. Woe is me (yes, that was sarcasm).

Now, I’m trying to catch up on my word count for the day before bed, so that’s it for this week. See? Short!

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