Thanks for stopping by my digital home on the ‘net. This site serves as a hub for my various interests, and a way for people to connect with me in whatever way is most comfortable for them. The Variety Pages linked above is my main blog, where I discuss things like books I’m reading, weekly to-do lists, food, drink, hobbies, and it also includes a couple of weekly serial stories. For stories from my alter-egos and writing notes by me for all of my projects, check out the Author Blogs tab, and of course you can find my books by opening the Available Books tab. If you prefer to keep in touch via email, sign up for Variety News (linked under Connect). I’m not all that great at sending newsletters on a regular schedule, but I’ll try to keep you informed at least a few times a year (my goal is monthly, but that never happens). If you sign up for blog updates via email (link in the sidebar on the blog), you’ll get one of those every time a new post goes up, from two to five times a week. Just one per day, so on Fridays when the two serial posts go up, you’ll still only get one email.
Other Fun Stuff seems self-explanatory…clicky, clicky!
I work full-time for local government doing database administration and a little web programming (which used to be my main job). In my free time, I write…a lot. Mainly romantic suspense, erotic romance and horror, though I have some other projects in progress as well. I publish my own books and those of a couple friends under a micro-press I run – Brazen Snake Books.
I also love to crochet & knit (and shop for yarn!), read, watch Netflix/Amazon/HBO (who doesn’t?), and I collect Smurfs and comic books. I have a husband and two dogs – all of whom keep me amused on a daily basis. I like to cook, I love to eat, and I’m a total tea and wine snob. I have piercings and tattoos and just recently took up target archery for fun.
Wanna know anything else? Tell me something about you. 😉