It’s been an interesting week – better, since I shocked myself out of my politically-driven funk. It got bad enough last weekend that I actually deleted the FB app from…
Read moreOn Doom-scrolling, Exercise, & Vacuuming
I think a lot of us in the US have probably been sucked into “doom-scrolling” over the past two weeks (doomscrolling? doom scrolling? I’m too lazy to look up the…
Read moreTeeter-Tottering Along
I’ll admit, even though I knew last week’s euphoria couldn’t last, I hoped it would a bit longer. It’s been a rough week though, and I’ve done probably more thinking…
Read moreThe Perfect Gift
Today, I’m officially 50 years old. Huzzah! There are so many people in this world that thrive on hustle and bustle and social interaction. They get energy from interacting with…
Read moreThe Edge of the Cliff
First things first – I want to wish my best buddy Carol a very, very happy birthday today! I hope it’s fantastic!!🙂 When I was in my early 30’s, I…
Read moreThe Annual Resolutions Post
Happy New Year! It’s been a while, I know. Between the holidays and my husband being kind enough to share his cold with me Christmas week, my motivation to do…
Read morePivotal
It may just be my perception, but it seems like for the last six months or so, a prevailing theme of the podcasts and videos I watch is knowing when…
Read moreRewiring: One Door at a Time
I wrote my first novel 250 words at a time, during commercial breaks while watching TV in the evenings. I used to put puzzles together on a regular basis, working…
Read moreRaking up the Clutter
Halloween is tomorrow, and later today (when it warms up a bit – it’s still only 30f degrees out there), I’ll be hauling the bulk of our decor upstairs and…
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