Draft Title: Donteneoux’s Dragon
Author/Genre: JD Corsair/Sci-fi
Words Written: 626
Words to Date: 1860
Time Writing: 1 hour
It’s been several weeks since I had the chance to get back to this draft, and I found myself struggling a bit with the language tonight. Things like this:
“But you really need to go, Mari.” – Perfectly fine for a contemporary story, but since my little made-up countries are more medieval-like, it won’t work in this draft. So I changed it to:
“You really must go, Mari.” – Far more consistent with the type of speech patterns I’d like to hear from Peraine, my main character.
I spent more time than I wanted to on things like that, but it’s my own fault for leaving the draft sit for so long. The closer I stay to it, the easier the voice will get, so working on it once a week should solve that issue.
I was hoping to write the gauntlet scene tonight, but I just got up to the edge, and now my eyes are insisting they’re done with bright screens for the night. It’s 12:51am, and I’m going to find my kindle for a little bit and then head to bed.
Jamie, you are right about the change in language. It fits better for the fantasy genre. I don’t read a lot of fantasy but Steffie does so I “see” a lot of it. I am enjoying seeing the insights into your thoughts about the writing.