Weekly Writing Progress
Beet Down (Revisions):1 scene done (again)
I wrote poetry this week, so I definitely met that goal. My downfall(?) was deciding to use it as a dual purpose exercise, and experiment with making TikTok videos of me…writing poetry. Literally.
As with all new skills, it took me few tries and some fiddling to figure out how/what I wanted to do with that, and between writing a poem each night and then rewriting it while I took a video, and then clipping said video and uploading, captioning, etc….
It was a lot. All things that were good to learn and figure out, and by the third one, more than one person hit the “like” button, but it just took a lot of time that I should probably have spent doing revisions. Or maybe it was good to spend the time learning this, since every time I do it, I go faster, and now that I know what I’m doing (sort of), I can save up bits of writing and make a bunch of videos all at once to schedule posts throughout the month.
Sometimes taking the time to learn something new is exactly what we need to do in order to move forward in the long game.
I also went back over the first scene of BD, and re-revised it again. I’m much, much happier with it now, and I feel better about moving forward with the rest of the story. I’ll revise what I can, and rewrite what I can’t, and hopefully get this story done and to the editor within the next two weeks. BD has 17 scenes, all around a thousand words or less each, and the first one is done. If I revise/rewrite an average of 2 scenes per night, I should be done on time, if not early.
I’ve been going easy on myself with the deadlines, but I think I’m actually hurting myself by doing that. I need good, solid deadlines to push me to work even when I don’t feel like it, because while I hate revisions and will use any excuse to put it off, I really, really want to get to that end goal, and the only way out is through.
We creatives often tell ourselves to just “let it happen”, but if I do that, it’s not going to. So, I’m going to try the hard deadline approach.
And…you know. No more posting late night TikTok vids. I need to take a bunch, then batch prep them and schedule them out. I’ll be working on that next week too.
I’ll leave you with my first TikTok poem, plain as it is. We all have to start somewhere, right?
@jamiedebree Have you written a poem today? #poetrymonth #writeapoem #poetic #writing ♬ original sound – JamieDeBree
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