Writing Notes: April 23, 2022

Weekly Writing Progress
Beet Down (Revisions): Complete!
24 Carrot: Plotting
RS Romance Draft: Initial read-through

It’s been two weeks with my new desk setup, and I tell you what – it’s made all the difference in the world. I finished revisions on the draft I was working on, and sent that off to the editor. Tentative publication date is June 1st. Yay!

Now I’m ready to plot the next short story draft (24 Carrot), and do the initial read-through of a romance draft I finished last year that needs revision. Those are next up starting Monday (though I’m toying with the idea of having google or my kindle app or something read my draft to me while I’m doing housework this weekend. We’ll see).

I even scheduled hard publishing dates for the rest of the year on a paper calendar that now hangs over my new desk. Yes, I have a myriad of digital planning, list and calendar tools. And they keep me on schedule throughout the days, weeks and months. But in order to feel any sense of urgency at all, I need to see the calendar boxes, and visualize how few days are actually between me and the deadline before it really tickles my brain into taking action.

Basically, having a professional, organized space has freed up my mind for a lot more creativity and productivity. With any luck, by the time the newness wears off, I’ll be stuck in some very good habits that keep pulling me forward.

I’ve been playing with different marketing ideas, and I’m getting to the point where I need to actually implement some of them, but the biggest one is just to publish more books. After that, I’m looking at social media posts (not advertising, just taking part in the book community conversations), and rebooting my newsletters. One thing at a time, and I know I need to be careful about how much I add at once so I don’t burn out. I think I have a good handle on things at the moment. Even if I am impatient to get them all going *yesterday*.

Now I need to finalize the title for BD, and get some cover art going. I see a lot of pictures of beets in my immediate future….

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