Working On: Ornament story, squirrel story
Editing: MM (a friend’s MS)
The good news is, my new writing time is working out beautifully. I’m getting back to my office earlier in the evening, and that allows me a good half hour or more to write before I start falling asleep and need to switch gears. As I get more used to writing every night, I’m writing faster, too, so all in all, things are going well.
The only thing is, the story I’m writing isn’t going to work for its intended purpose. It’s running too long, and it just doesn’t fit the audience. So, I do want to finish this particular story for a different purpose, but I’m also working on plotting a smaller flash story for my 2022 Christmas card story. I wish I’d figured this out sooner, but…that’s how things go sometimes.
I’m hoping my writing speeds stabilize soon, so I can predict how many words I’ll be able to get done in a week, and then I’ll be better able to prioritize and schedule out stories and publication dates.
I had to set my editing project aside for a couple nights this week to get a cover redesigned, which is less than optimal, but I had to get one done so I knew how long it would take. Longer than I wanted it to, for sure, but now I know, so I can work it into my schedule. Luckily, I have a bunch of day-job vacation time I need to take before the end of March, so I’m planning on scheduling a day here and there specifically to work on projects like these.
This week, I plan to finish the ornament story, and at least start on the squirrel story. I also plan to work more on the editing project, and redesign one more cover.
Busy, busy, but it all needs to be done, and it feels good actually making progress for once instead of getting more behind by just not doing anything.
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