Writing Notes: June 4, 2022

Weekly Writing Progress
Beet It: Released!
DLA (Rewrite): Plotting
24C: 8543 words

Beet It is out now! It’s available on Kindle for the summer, and will be available everywhere else in mid-September. Head over to my publishing site at BrazenSnakeBooks.com for more info and links.

As far as writing goes, I got quite a bit of dictation done on 24C, which is excellent, but I also figured out a pivotal plot point while making dinner Tuesday night, which is awesome. My main laptop decided to go on strike with a memory issue Wednesday, which, as you might imagine, created all sorts of havoc as I scrambled to figure out how I was going to post my release-day notices, not to mention transferring my dictation from Dragon into Dabble. I finally got out my old laptop and fired that up, spent nearly an hour trying to remember the password to log in, and then another 30-45 minutes just updating browsers, turning off old software and updating what I really needed. I got my release notices posted around 1am Friday morning, which left no time to transfer the past three day’s dictation.

Anyways, tech problems. Gotta endure ’em. I have my old laptop mostly functional now, so I should be able to at least limp forward with the writing until I can get my main laptop fixed. I finally transferred the week’s dictation into Dabble last night, and while I had to cut an entire babbling scene from early on, the rest of it is in pretty good shape.

I should easily be able to finish this draft next week – hooray! I decided not to push on getting this out so quickly, as the limitations/exclusivity required for using Amazon’s Kindle Select (Unlimited, for readers) aren’t really sitting well with me. So 24C will be released wide from the start, which means I don’t have to rush it.

That also means that next week, I’m back to working on DLA as well. And since I’ve decided to build an entire family saga out of it, I’ll be doing some rough plotting and background before I start the actual rewrite, so I know how to connect it to subsequent books in the series before I start writing this time.

It’s gonna be a fun writing week, methinks. Moreso if I can get my main laptop fixed.

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