The Perfect Gift
Today, I’m officially 50 years old. Huzzah! There are so many people in this world that thrive on hustle and bustle and social interaction. They get energy from interacting with…
Read moreToday, I’m officially 50 years old. Huzzah! There are so many people in this world that thrive on hustle and bustle and social interaction. They get energy from interacting with…
Read moreFirst things first – I want to wish my best buddy Carol a very, very happy birthday today! I hope it’s fantastic!!🙂 When I was in my early 30’s, I…
Read morePhoto of the Week There’s a 10-year photo challenge going around social media at the moment, so I figured I’d post mine here. Ironically, while I was dying my hair…
Read moreIt’s crazy how much can happen in a week, isn’t it? More good news than bad, though, which is how it should be, methinks. Good News: My new glasses came…
Read moreYesterday, I turned 41. It was a rather uneventful day, really…and I spent most of it trying to decide whether to get my normal Sunday chores done then, or put…
Read moreHappy Martin Luther King Jr. Day (which is why I’m not at the day job, but rather at home on this fine Monday)! In any case, if you’re connected with…
Read moreI have one sister – younger than me by two years and ten months (she still gets mad when I round it up to three years). She’s one of those…
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