Bring on the Coffins!
Apparently, everyone in my neighborhood is more than ready for Halloween this year. The last day of September out walking with the dogs, I saw a few pumpkins and such…
Read more*yawn* It’s Sunday night as I write this, and I am *tired*. I planned to put away Halloween yesterday, and just…didn’t. I mostly sat around and thought about doing stuff,…
Read moreYes, I’m running late with blog posts this week. Our Halloween yard haunt takes up a lot of my time, and since the hubby is out of town this year,…
Read moreWell then. I kinda got behind on this whole blogging thing, didn’t I? I’m sure the few of you reading along out there were probably busy enough with your own…
Read moreIt’s so easy to decide what you want to be for Halloween when you’re a kid. Your favorite super hero or cartoon character. Whatever you want to be when you…
Read moreYes, I have some lovely navel-gazing posts lined up for this space, but they’ll have to wait a few more weeks. Right now, why life pretty much revolves around prep…
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