The Annual Resolutions Post
Happy New Year! It’s been a while, I know. Between the holidays and my husband being kind enough to share his cold with me Christmas week, my motivation to do…
Read moreHappy New Year! It’s been a while, I know. Between the holidays and my husband being kind enough to share his cold with me Christmas week, my motivation to do…
Read moreHi! I’m Jamie, and I’m an “overthinker”. It sounds like it should be some rare, mysterious ailment, doesn’t it? It’s not, of course…just ask any anxious or control-freak person out…
Read moreWell That Was…Something. You may want a snack and a beverage…it’s gonna be a long one. 🙂 This past year has been the weirdest and least productive I can remember…
Read moreVideo of the Week Because it fits with this week’s theme, and also, it’s fun: Sabotage by the Beastie Boys. One Thing at a Time, Dammit! I read an article…
Read moreI’m having surgery next week. This is something I’d hoped to avoid indefinitely, but…best laid plans and bum genetics (with a little “boisterous young dog” thrown in for good measure)…
Read moreWelcome to my year in review! No, this isn’t an ad for one of my books, but the title is appropriate here and I like the cover, so I figured…
Read moreWords for the Week: Stress, exhaustion, bloom. Changing routines is hard. I am trying rather valiantly to switch things up, with moderate success, but it’s slow going considering I have…
Read moreWords for the week: Perseverance, Begin, Success, Intention, Pain, Content, Confusion It’s been a crazy week, and I’ll admit my focus got seriously fractured round about Wednesday the 6th. I’d…
Read moreI don’t really understand how the first couple months of this year flew by, and then time pretty much stopped from March until December 1st, and now, this month is…
Read moreI feel like all I’m doing lately is planning. Revamping routines. Trying to figure out how to do things more efficiently and get my day-to-day life under enough control that…
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