
Falling for Fall

I love fall. It’s my favorite season – the season of brightly colored, crunchy leaves, a crisp, earthy smell on the breeze, sweatshirts, apple cider, apple pie, pumpkin everything and darker nights.

I know most people hate it when darkness falls earlier, but I love it. I’m a night person, and I get my second wind when the sun goes down. Last night, the dogs and I were walking after dark, their neon leashes flashing against the black backdrop as we listened to the wind whistle through the trees and the occasional owl hoot. It was beautiful – cool, calm, and streets and yards that were bustling with activity at that same time just a few weeks ago all quiet and still.

Part of the reason I love the earlier dark so much is because a dark night has less of a sense of urgency to me. There are plenty of things to do, but I don’t feel like I’m rushing around to do them. It feels less frenzied and like actions are more…intentional. There’s less stimulus, so it’s easier to focus and be mindful.

And that’s true for walking the dogs, too. It’s less stimulating for them to walk in the dark, and there are far less people (and other dogs) our, s it’s calmer for them as well.

Last weekend when I was out walking Apollo, I caught this shot of a lovely large tree that’s just begun to swap wardrobes for the season. We walk by this tree a lot, and it’ll be fun watching the leaves turn and then fall.

I know most of you are probably morning or “daylight” people (statistically that seems to be the case), but what’s you’re favorite season? And what’s your favorite thing about fall?

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