Teeter-Tottering Along

I’ll admit, even though I knew last week’s euphoria couldn’t last, I hoped it would a bit longer. It’s been a rough week though, and I’ve done probably more thinking than I should. But it’s still nice to have a quiet space to retreat to at work, or lose myself in a project for a few hours and actually make good progress. That is never going to get old.

There’s a lot going on in national politics that I don’t agree with right now, and while I never watch the national news and have my social media algorithms dialed in pretty tightly to exclude political posts, I still follow my local news media channel (because I do like to stay up on general and local news) on Facebook, so I still see the headlines, and still get all the national drama thrown in my face. It’s…wearisome even though it’s not even a little surprising.

However, there’s nothing I can do to change what’s happening, and stressing over it doesn’t do me or anyone else any good, so…I’m going to work harder at scrolling by and not giving it any attention. I’m not normally a “bury your head in the sand” sort, but at this point, it seems more productive to just keep busy elsewhere and make sure I have energy to deal with whatever fallout I have to when the time comes.

I’m also going to focus on doing what I can to make my tiny corner of the world a better place. One of those things includes…setting up a puzzle library in front of my house. Like a little free book library (which we’ll set up in the spring), it’s a place where people can take or leave a puzzle as needed, which will be great fun, I think.

To that end, I think I’ve found the perfect container for the puzzle library, however, it’s about 20 minutes away, and I’ll need to check the weather/road reports for this weekend before we get too excited about it.

If the roads are good with no blizzards predicted, then a tiny road trip might be just what we need this weekend. Then we’ll need to make some puzzle-piece shaped stencils for painting….

On the same basic topic of puzzles, the puzzle table I ordered should be delivered sometime today, and I am very excited to put it up and start a new puzzle tonight. Only question is…which puzzle do I want to do next? Something I won’t mind passing along in the new library, undoubtedly.

Six gallon corner aquarium.

Snowball & Quasi wondering if I have any food.

I’m moving my African Dwarf Frogs (Snowball, Quasi, Ghost & Badger) to a new tank this weekend as well. My last Betta recently died, and I decided to turn the really lovely 6 gallon bookshelf tank into a frog tank, so I can take the 6 gallon corner tank off the other side of my desk.  Here’s a pic of the newly renovated tank almost ready for the frogs. I think they’ll really enjoy the extra length to cruise in the wider aquarium.

Long planted bookshelf aquarium.

The newly renovated tank.

And yes, I am still reading Black River Orchard by Chuck Wendig. The pace is really picking up, which is messing with my sleep schedule, but there isn’t a whole lot left.

As for writing, I still need to finish that short story, and add to the first (or will it be the second?) Magpie novel. I know what I need to write, I know what I want to write, I just need to…you know. Write.

That’s about all I’ve got for this week.

Next week, remind me to tell you the story of five vacuum cleaners and the last Electrolux standing….

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