Year in Review Final – 2022 Resolutions Report

If  you celebrate, I hope you had a wonderful holiday weekend! And also that you’re not regretting the choice to eat far too much of…well, everything, like I am.

Ah, resolutions. I know some of you hate them, and a few of you know that they’re just another means to an end, and a way of making goals and then checking back to see how much progress you made. That’s what I use them for, anyways, and while I had a decent list this past year, these are the “Big Three” that I highlighted here at the beginning of the year:

– Write Daily: 10 words min.
– Read Daily: 1 piece of fiction or poetry min.
– Move Daily: Meaningful movement, something to make the body stronger or more flexible.

Did I complete all of these goals? No, but I did a lot more writing, a lot more reading, and a lot more moving than I did the year before. I wrote far more weekdays than I have in probably five years, I actually finished reading a few books and am in the middle of a couple right now, and I’ve definitely been moving more with an eye toward getting stronger and maintaining flexibility.

I mean, I was injured a lot this year too, so there’s that, but I made a conscious effort to keep moving and stretching, even while I was healing from my various injuries.

So this was a good year for reaching goals. I completed a little over half of my longer list, and on the goals I didn’t complete, I made progress toward more of them than not. That is absolutely success in my book, and I was pretty happy to look back and see that I’d mostly stayed focused and kept moving in the right direction.

More importantly, I learned a lot about how I work and how I can fit different things into my days, and what I want my priorities to be going forward. Overall, it’s been a good year. Busy, hectic, and quite painful here and there, but definitely good.

Next week, it’s a new set of resolutions to reach for, and a fresh start (even if just mentally).

Happy holidays, dear reader, and I hope you’re able to spend the first day of 2023 doing something you love (begin as you intend to continue)!

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