Variety News – August 16, 2021

On My Mind
I spend a lot of time trying to figure out how to do things more efficiently, or make tasks easier to accomplish. Whether it’s rearranging my schedule for the five-billionth time, or checking out a new tool that might be more useful than the eleven-hundred ways/tools I already know/have to do the same thing, efficiency and “ease” planning take up a lot of my mental space. Some of that is definitely a good thing, but when does it stop being productive and start being either procrastination, or just another task on my to-do list?

I think I get so caught up in looking for an easier, quicker way to do things that I forget (or ignore) the fact that eventually, I have to just “do it”. And that no matter what kind of nifty tool I have, it’s still going to require *some* work on my part. Generally speaking, it often takes less time to just do the thing, rather than spending so much time figuring out how to do it better or quicker. I need to remind myself of that truth more often.

Food is kind of an annoying thing at the moment, because I love it so much, but am intentionally trying to cut our calorie consumption back while making sure we get the types of food we need for our individual health concerns. Add that to the fact that hubby wants to do breakfast again (we’ve been skipping breakfast for intermittent fasting for the past few years), and I find myself forced to do more meal planning (and advanced planning, at that) than I’d like. But, we need to get healthy, abs are made in the kitchen, yadda, yadda, yadda. Bah humbug. *sigh*

We finished Wynonna Earp, and it was an…okay ending. The whole season was just discombobulated and weird, like they were either trying too hard, or not at all. I wish it would have made me sad it was over, rather than being a slog to the mediocre end.

Post Round-up
I was so, so close to getting a post up for the writing blog this week. I have deadlines for myself so that if I miss getting a blog post done, I don’t appropriate my writing time for that. I missed the deadline by just a hair last week, so with a little better planning, the writing blog will be back next Saturday.

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