Variety News: May 3, 2022

Photo of the Week

General Discussion: Speed Dating

Have you ever tried speed dating?

I haven’t (and have no intention to now, obviously), but the book I’m working on at the moment opens with a speed-dating scene, and I’m trying to decide whether to keep it or axe it. It serves as the first meeting between my two main characters, as well as some insights into their character plus a third who is integral to the story, but…it could easily just be a meeting at a bar.

It seems like it could be kind of interesting, though, and not just in meeting a potential romantic partner, but also just in deciding what you want to share in that short amount of time that would tell a person whether they might be interested in getting to know you better – or not. And it would also be quite fascinating to hear the different things that other people would choose to tell you about themselves.

Of course the words aren’t all of it – it seems like it would be a great study in body language too. How a person approaches, what they decide to wear, their facial expressions, what they do with their hands. And what if how they present themselves doesn’t match with their words, or they craft one part of themselves to be so convincingly misleading that it creates a mistaken impression which is later revealed and causes interest?

You know, when I started writing this post, my first thought was, “how can anyone learn enough about a person in such a short amount of time to decide whether they’re worth another look or not?” And that’s why I was considering cutting the scene or switching it up – because it seemed almost unbelievable.

But I think I just talked myself into keeping it.

Currently Reading
Don’t Look Away (MS in progress, reading for revisions)

Video Highlight
Oxalis Triangularis Care And Propagation (With Time Lapse) – Helpful tips for those of us growing shamrock plants.

Pop Quiz!
When did you last meet someone and make incorrect assumptions/judgements about them?

I do this more often than I care to admit, honestly. Although I do tend to give people the benefit of the doubt when possible, which sometimes leads to very disappointing second impressions.

Post Round-up
The Writer’s Desk (last updated: April 30, 2022)

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