Writer’s Notes: April 4 & 5, 2014

Friday (4/4)

Writing Session 1: When She Cries
Author/Genre: AW/suspense
Words written: 392
Total words:  12,965
Time Spent: 15 minutes (break)

Whew! Left that one off right in the middle of the action, so it was
very easy to pick back up. I really need to do that every time. And
dude. I’m almost breathing hard just from writing this scene.
Incidentally, how does one “plug coins in” to an automated webcast
without wasting too much time? I need to figure that out before
long…readers will want to know (or maybe they don’t, actually)!

Writing Session 2: When She Cries
Author/Genre: AW/suspense
Words written: 221
Total words:  13,186
Time Spent: 15 minutes (break)

Notes:  Well that was fun. In a mostly disturbing sort of way….

Saturday (4/5)

Writing Session 1: The Bedrock Man
Author/Genre: TM/erotic romance
Words written: 908
Total words:  908
Time Spent: 2 hours (Saturday afternoon – special session)

So yeah. Last night I lined out my main characters & basic
motivations for this story, and next thing I know, they’re hijacking my
Saturday afternoon. And yes, it did take me nearly 2 hours to get this
started, but that included multiple trips to let the dogs out, a break
for more tea, and a copious amount of thinking/plotting on the fly
because I’m not just starting a new book, but a new series too, so I
needed to start setting up a third character and the underlying business
as well.

all sounds like a lot of work, but seriously, when you get in the “zone”
and are immersed in that alternate universe, you don’t even notice how
much time has gone by. So…yeah. This is going to be a really good,
really tense novel with some serious character arcs happening. And some
great erotic moments too.

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