June 20, 2013: Lemon Cream

Writing Session 1: Lemon Cream
Author/Genre: TM/erotic romance
Words written:  611
Total Words:  7,743
Time Spent:  45 minutes (after work)
No writing yesterday due to a really long day at work that required
serious mental recovery time last night. And I managed to miss my breaks
today too, dang it. But this scene is hot, so just as well I waited.
I’ll finish it up later tonight. Whew!

No, I never got back to it…I tried, and failed. Increasingly, late night writing just isn’t working for me because I’m just too tired. I hate that. Maybe if I moved from the couch into the office, I could get that routine back again – it’s a great time to write when I do it. I should have done a plotting session as soon as I figured out it wasn’t going to work, but I didn’t do that either.

Ah well. I’ll figure out the right rhythm eventually, and finish this scene (which is nearly done) tomorrow.

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