Writer’s Notes: March 20, 2014

Writing Session 1: Under His Wing
Author/Genre: JD/contemp. paranormal romance
Words written:  318
Total words:  7,883
Time Spent: 15 minutes (break)

I don’t normally buy into magic much – it’s why I usually have a hard
time writing fantasy-type plots. But I’m okay with this, for some
reason. Especially when it takes a ruined meal and makes it awesome for
my poor heroine…

Writing Session 2: Under His Wing
Author/Genre: JD/contemp. paranormal romance
Words written:  447
Total words:  8,330
Time Spent: 30 minutes (late night)

Sheesh. Getting back to this was far more work than I thought it would
be, but that’s the way the last few weeks have gone as far as the
writing schedule. I really need to just get back in the groove, so to
speak. But this scene is done, and leading up to something interesting, I
think. Set-up for future books, perhaps? We’ll see how people like this
one first, I guess…

For now, sleep.

One thought on “Writer’s Notes: March 20, 2014”

  1. I hope you get your groove back very soon. As for magic, I am not surprised that you don’t like it. You are so very down to earth in so many ways. You are very grounded. I am glad you are letting it creep into your writing because I think it fits into this story. That being said, I could totally get behind Dunning Manor being a series of books. I see the potential. Hugs, Ardee-ann

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