Writer’s Notes: March 13, 2014

Writing Session 1: Under His Wing
Author/Genre: JD/contemp. paranormal romance
Words written:  386
Total words:  7,565
Time Spent: 15 minutes (break)

Well now. That wasn’t so bad, once I finally got started. It’s been
rough going this week – I’m out of my writing groove, and I’ve been sort
of rebelling against getting it back for some reason this week. But
this session went pretty well. Hopefully the next will too – I’m so far
behind again this week…

Writing Session 2: When She Cries
Author/Genre: AW/suspense
Words written:  538
Total words:  11,215
Time Spent: 30 minutes (after work)

So there I was, bemoaning the fact that I really didn’t have enough
plot going with this story to make it a full novel. And then I’m writing
along today (tonight), and got nearly all the way to the end of this
scene…and bam! The main plot hit me square in the face, and I had to
go back and rewrite a good chunk of it. But now? Now I think I have
enough to pull this out to full novel length horror. It’s going to be a
wild ride (as if it hasn’t been already, but moreso). Crossing my
fingers I can do a decent job of it…

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