Writer’s Notes: February 22 – March 4, 2014

I kept notes while I was busy, so playing catch-up here!

Feb. 21

Writing Session 1: Lucky Leaves (flash draft)
Author/Genre: JD/romantic suspense
Words written:  248
Total words:  602
Time Spent: 15 minutes (break)

Poor Tara. Poor Annabelle. This guy had better act fast, or seriously,
I’m going to have to write him into his grave next session. Writers can
do that, you know. And this is a short story, so there’s not much time
for him to get this right…

Feb. 24

Writing Session 1: MacKenzie Saves the World

Author/Genre: JD/sweet romance
Words written:  313
Total words:  26,245
Time Spent: 15 minutes (break)

Notes: Now we’re communicating. No idea how it will work out, but at least they’re talking…

Writing Session 2: MacKenzie Saves the World

Author/Genre: JD/sweet romance
Words written:  284
Total words:  26,529
Time Spent: 15 minutes (break)

Well hell. I thought we were headed toward a compromise, but no. Dang
it. These two are just not cooperating. Although I suppose we still have
a long ways to go before we have to finish their story. Still. Ugh.

Feb. 25

Writing Session 1: Under His Wing
Author/Genre: JD/contemp. paranormal romance
Words written:  306
Total words:  5,644
Time Spent: 15 minutes (break)

This story is just fun. Poor Katie. She’s having a serious mental
breakdown, as I think we all would in this situation. Too bad for her
it’s not the dream she thinks it is…

Feb. 26

Writing Session 1: Under His Wing
Author/Genre: JD/contemp. paranormal romance
Words written:  789
Total words:  6,124
Time Spent: 15 minutes (break)

Notes: I love it when they finally start picking up steam and just…go. If I could just type a little bit faster…

March 4

Writing Session 1: MacKenzie Saves the World

Author/Genre: JD/sweet romance
Words written:  316
Total words:  26,847
Time Spent: 15 minutes (break)

Whew! After no writing yesterday (tried, failed), I finally found the
end of that insanely long installment! And my lead-in to the next one as
well. Readers may or may not be okay with how this is going, but with
these two, I really have to be careful to keep it from dipping into “too
easy” territory. Because it’s not. They’re complex, and their problems
are complex, and they can’t just be solved in a quick conversation…the
change needs to happen on a deep, psychological level that doesn’t just
happen overnight.

Or maybe I’m just over-analyzing my own characters. That may well be the case too.

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September 23, 2013September 23, 2013

Writing Session 1: Jasmine BetrayalAuthor/Genre: JD/romantic suspenseWords written:  216 Total words: 6,969 Time Spent:  15 minutes (break) Notes: Not too shabby, considering my overall lack of enthusiasm today. Hopefully the