Fall 2014 Writing Plans/Schedule

As you can see, time’s gotten away from me again, and I haven’t updated here like I should. Part of that is because I’ve just been grabbing writing time as I can, and I often forget to document the details when that happens – I just write and quit when I run out of time. When I’m writing late at night, I’m often just too tired by the time I’m done to do one more thing (like documenting).  But it really doesn’t take much time to jot down a few notes and word counts, so I would like to pick that back up again.

I am still writing though, of course (every weekday, and this weekend too), and this fall is going to be a busy one as far as finishing drafts go. I have four drafts currently in the works, and another couple planned. To that end, here’s the writing/publishing plan for this fall (subject to change, of course):

MacKenzie Saves the World (contemporary romance)  ** Done! **
Finish Draft: September 1
Tentative Release Date: Oct. 3rd

When She Cries (horror/suspense)
Finish Draft: Oct. 3
Tentative Release Date: Oct. 31st
The Bedrock Arrangement (erotic romance)
Finish Draft: Oct. 31
Tentative Release Date: Dec. 12th

Under His Wing (paranormal romance)
Finish Draft: Oct. 31st
Tentative Release Date: Dec. 19th

If I can meet that Oct. 3rd deadline for finishing up WSC, I’ll do another quick Death by Veggies story for Alex in October as well. Cooking with Kale sounds innocuous enough, but you know it won’t be, right? 😉

And then comes November, which is really what this whole accelerated schedule is all about. November is National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo), and I have a special project planned for then. I’ll be writing the first draft of a new story for older children to be released by Black Wolf Print sometime next year. That entire draft will need to be completed by Nov. 30th, and then I’ll probably just work on something smaller in December.

So, assuming I can barrel through and get all these drafts finished in a timely manner (ie, one day before NaNo starts), the entire month of November will be blocked out for writing The Time Stone, the first in my new Stone Scavengers series. And that’s all I’ll be doing that month…no serials, no other drafts, just single-minded focus on that one draft.

That’s the plan for the next few months. By Christmas I should have five, maybe six drafts finished and four or five more books published. It’ll be fun, and a little freaky, and a lot chaotic. Let the games begin…

2 thoughts on “Fall 2014 Writing Plans/Schedule”

  1. Jamie, I wish you well. It sounds like it will be quite a ride. Enjoy the trip! Hugs, Ardee-ann

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