Writer’s Notes: January 15, 2014

Writing Session 1: When She Cries

Author/Genre: AW/suspense

Words written:  192

Total words:  5,865

Time Spent: 15 minutes (break)

Notes: And…scene done. Interesting dynamics going on here…and sadly, the tough times are just beginning for our poor heroine…

Writing Session 2: Creme Brulee

Author/Genre: TM/erotic romance

Words written:  233

Total words:  11,839

Time Spent: 15 minutes (break)

Notes: Oh dear. I see where this is going. I suppose it’ll make a nice segue into my next series, but it’s gonna hurt, and readers are bound to be disappointed. I have no idea how we’re going to pull this one off. Nothing to do but keep going forward, I suppose. 

Writing Session 3: Creme Brulee

Author/Genre: TM/erotic romance

Words written:  318

Total words:  12,157

Time Spent: 30 minutes (after work)

Notes: And that’s done. Very difficult scene…difficult story, actually. They’ll get through it somehow – they always do, but for now…I’m at almost as much of a loss as dear Daniel. Huh. 

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