Writer’s Notes: December 27, 2013

Writing Session 1: When She Cries
Author/Genre: AW/suspense
Words written:  231
Total words:  3,522
Time Spent: 15 minutes (break)

Notes: Well, not the most stellar piece of writing ever, but the main event is just about set up, and we’re moving towards the starting line, so a good place to end it this week. Next week should move faster, methinks. 

Writing Session 2: MacKenzie Saves the World
Author/Genre: JD/sweet romance
Words written:  502
Total words:  19,200
Time Spent: 15 minutes (break)

Notes:  Awkward scenes – the meat and potatoes of a writer’s world. So many mixed up emotions to explore. So many interruptions to toss in. So much misery and insecurity…that’s what keeps the words coming…

Writing Session 3: MacKenzie Saves the World
Author/Genre: JD/sweet romance
Words written:  539
Total words:  19,739
Time Spent: 30 minutes (after work)

Notes: Well that was fun. Angsty-angst-angst-angst. Poor Kenzie. I wish I could say she’ll be better at the end of this scene, but since I’m not done yet, it’s hard to say. We’ll see…

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Writing Session 1: The Naughty List Author/Genre: TM/Erotic Romance Words written:   Total Words:  11,254 Time Spent:  15 minutes (break)   Notes: *Now* we’re finally getting somewhere. These two had me worried! Maybe now we