Weekly Writing: 10/7 – 10/20/18

Weekly Word Counts
TIK: 568
DD: 561
TBS: 0
BD: 0
Total: 1,129

Editing hours: 0

Not a lot of progress this week, but at least it’s some. I’m trying to be more flexible with the writing times, and that seems to be working out…some of the time. But I also still have a pretty severe “distraction” problem, and I need to really force myself to focus when I do have time to get some words in. I’ll keep working on it.

I’ve given a lot of thought as to whether or not to do NaNoWriMo this year or not, and have decided not to. I have plenty of drafts that need to be finished, and a couple to edit, and I really don’t need another draft waiting impatiently for its turn to be edited and published while the current WIPs sit languishing for a month.

So, I’m sitting this one out, and instead, I’m going to make my own challenge to write 500 words minimum every day in November, and then add 50 extra words every weekday (cumulative). Like so:

Nov. 1: 500
Nov. 2, 550
Nov. 3 & 4:550
Nov. 5: 600
Nov. 7: 650
Nov. 8: 700
Nov. 9: 750
Nov. 10 & 11: 750
Nov. 12: 800

I’ll do that all month continuing to move my word count higher, and by the end of the month, I should have myself “re-trained” not only to write consistently, but to focus on it longer and more steadily. A win-win in my book.

As for this week, my goal is simply to write every day. No matter the word count, just open a document and work on *something* daily to get ready for my November challenge.

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