Writer’s Notes: December 6, 2013

Writing Session 1: When She Cries
Author/Genre: AW/Suspense
Words written:  719
Total words:  719
Time Spent: 15 minutes (break)

Notes: Yes, yes I did just start a new draft, thank you very much. I know I need to finish off the Christmas stories, but I just *had* to get this new serial started for Alex’s blog, and I’m really excited about the story, so I decided to just go for it. 

Not sure how much other writing I’ll get done today – I have the afternoon off, but it’s so I can run a dog to the vet, and my husband to the clinic, so busy busy. Tonight, I need to decide what to do with Dunning Manor. I suspect it’s going to involve canceling office hours, and moving it to a “normal” serial spot next year – the whole “live writing” thing late at night isn’t working for me. So we’ll see…

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