Writer’s Log: Nov. 6, 2013

Writing Session 1: MacKenzie Saves the World
Author/Genre: JD/sweet contemp. romance
Words written: 771

Total words: 6,542
Time Spent:   15 minutes (break)

*Sigh* So bittersweet. So much angst. Our poor characters have a long
ways to go to get out of this mess…which is good, since I have 50k
words to write and my stories don’t generally make it that far…

Writing Session 2: MacKenzie Saves the World
Author/Genre: JD/sweet contemp. romance
Words written: 82

Total words: 6,624
Time Spent:   15 minutes (break)

Yes, I know. 82 words? Really? Yes, really. Because I went back and did
a little editing on the scene, cutting here, adding there, and
finishing it off the way I thought it needed to end. Because I hate
revising, and I’d rather do it *now* in the joy of discovery than later,
after I’m done finding out what happens and ready to move on to the
next story. That’s the way I like it. Next session though…new scene,
and it’s all planned out, so I’m ready to roll with new words again…

Writing Session 3: MacKenzie Saves the World
Author/Genre: JD/sweet contemp. romance
Words written: 641

Total words: 7,265
Time Spent:   30 minutes (after work)

Well now. That was fun. And the rest of this scene will be too, I’d
wager. Gotta take a break for awhile (though my eyes are finally
starting to get better), but maybe a little more later tonight?

**I stayed off the computer the rest of the night, for the most part, giving my eyes a much needed break and getting farther behind. But I have a three-day weekend coming up…

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