Writer’s Log: Oct. 24, 2013

Writing Session 1: Mr. Mysterious
Author/Genre: JD/romantic suspense
Words written: 445 

Total words: 15,066
Time Spent:  15 minutes (break)

Notes: Always with the best laid plans thing…sheesh. But at least I managed this one break today, and a bunch more words, and finally figured out how all the stories will end at the same time for Christmas with appropriate endings. Now I just have to keep writing…but the installments should be getting shorter from here, I think. Just wrapping things up, really.  

Writing Session 2: Mr. Mysterious
Author/Genre: JD/romantic suspense
Words written: 311 

Total words: 15,377 
Time Spent:  45 minutes (after work)

Notes: Well now I have problem. To cliffhanger this for the final installment on Christmas, or wrap things up fairly neatly and hope the romance thread is enough to bring people forward one last time? I’m too hungry to decide. I’ll ask a friend, and eat, and then figure it out…

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