Writer’s Log: October 11, 2013

Writing Session 1: Death Webs
Author/Genre: AW/horror
Words written: 349

Total words: 1,085
Time Spent:  15 minutes (break)

Notes: Amazing how much more smoothly writing goes when you’re awake. This is a fun little story, with an intriguing back-story as well. It’ll suit nicely for the blog tonight. Next break, back to…the last Halloween holiday serial story…

Writing Session 2: Dunning Manor
Author/Genre: JD/paranormal romantic suspense
Words written: 605

Total words: 4,827
Time Spent:  30 minutes (late night)

Notes: No, I never got to the holiday serial today, but tonight’s session for DM went pretty well, I think. It needs some work, but this is a first draft, after all. Poor Katie’s bound to get burned, I’m afraid. “How badly” is the question of the day, I suppose. Or week…

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