August 29, 2013: TNL

Writing Session 1: The Naughty List

Author/Genre: TM/erotic romance

Words written:  519

Total words: 15,562

Time Spent:  30 minutes (late night)

Notes: This
is just not my week for writing. The day job was crazy and distracting
today, so no breaks. No after work session, and tonight the house was
loud long past normal which means I didn’t even get started until
midnight. By then, I was so tired it was all I could do to drag these
words out, but at least I got some down. The installment still isn’t
finished, but I should be able to finish it after work tomorrow night.
Cross your fingers.

to bed. Sadly, no time to read, but sometimes, sacrifices must be made
(I’m just that tired, really, or I’d stay up reading anyways). Long
weekend coming up! Yay!

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