Writer’s Log Aug 14 – 20 (Persistence)

Weekly Word Counts
Novel draft: 655
Short prose: 1025
Poetry: 106

Editing hours: N/A

It was another somewhat tough writing week last week…mostly because I was struggling with whether or not I should continue the draft I’m working on as it is, or find a somewhat quick ending for it and put it out of its misery. I feel like I’ve learned so much since I started it – things I need to apply to it before I think about publishing it – that it might be better just to find an end for the blog serial and then do what I need to do as far as revisions go on the back end.

I finally settled on something in the middle, but I’m still really annoyed that it needs so much fix-up work. I really hate revising. And I have to find time for it, too, which is a difficult thing when I want to keep moving forward, and writing new stories. Revisions take a lot of time. It sucks.

But, I’m trying to find a good week in September to take a vacation from the day job, which will give me some of that much-needed time for revisions, both on this particular draft, and a couple of others I’d like to revise and get published by Christmas. So hopefully I can pull that off.

As for that flash piece I started (the 1025 words up there) – well, it was a prompt-inspired story that I really kind of want to expand out into a longer story now. So that will go into the “ideas” file, because I couldn’t quite find a satisfactory ending to this flash version, but I think it will make a nice little short story when I have some time to finish it up. Heck, maybe even a novel. We’ll see.

This week I’m hoping to do some planning for those revisions I need to do alongside my normal writing. Here’s hoping…

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