Writer’s Log: Nov. 4, 2013

Writing Session 1: Jasmine Betrayal
Author/Genre: JD/rom. suspense
Words written: 256

Total words: 11,850
Time Spent:   15 minutes (break)

Only managed one break at work today, but that’s one more than I
expected to get, so I’m already ahead. I only sort of know where this
scene is going, and I was distracted too, so slow going at the moment.
Hopefully after work I can pick up a little steam on the whole thing,
and get this scene finished. Gotta get back to MacKenzie yet today…

Writing Session 2: Jasmine Betrayal
Author/Genre: JD/rom. suspense
Words written: 891

Total words: 12,741
Time Spent:   45 minutes (after work)

Annnd…scene done. My mind just will *not* stay out of the frickin’
gutter with this story! Considering these are all “sweet” romances,
that’s kind of a problem. We’re going to have a serious fade-to-black
scene at the end, but man, some regular readers of my spicier stuff just
might stone me for not letting these two have an actual on-the-page sex
scene… *sigh*

Writing Session 3: MacKenzie Saves the World
Author/Genre: JD/sweet contemp. romance
Words written: 360

Total words: 5,008
Time Spent:   45 minutes (late night)

Notes: Tired
and distracted as I am, it was really slow going tonight, dang it.
Tomorrow will be better. And at least Josh & Kenzie are talking.
Sort of…

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