Writer’s Log: November 21, 2013

Writing Session 1: MacKenzie Saves the World
Author/Genre: JD/Contemp. romance
Words written:  393
Total words: 17,313
Time Spent: 15  minutes (break)

Notes: After no writing yesterday, I’m starting to think I’m sabotaging myself on the NaNo front. I had the time, but my brain was all twisted up in other, far less enjoyable things, dang it. But today I don’t seem to have that problem, and things are moving along nicely again. Here’s hoping I can make good use of the time today/tonight! 

Writing Session 2: MacKenzie Saves the World
Author/Genre: JD/Contemp. romance
Words written:  343
Total words: 17,656
Time Spent: 15  minutes (break)

Notes: Some days, it’s like pulling eye-teeth, I tell you what. But I’m pulling. Eventually it will start rolling again. They always do. *sigh* 

Writing Session 3: MacKenzie Saves the World
Author/Genre: JD/Contemp. romance
Words written:  519
Total words: 18,175
Time Spent: 45  minutes (after work)

Notes: Ooo…didn’t see that little twist coming, but suddenly we have conflict again. This could be a big problem. I like it…

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