Writer’s Log: November 29, 2013

Writing Session 1:Mr. Mysterious
Author/Genre:JD/rom. suspense
Words written:  167
Total words: 15,549
Time Spent: 15 minutes (break)

Notes: Alrighty then. Super-slow start after a week of not writing much of anything really, just the required serial scenes. Part of that was analyzing my antagonist so Laura can sort of internalize what’s happened, and what’s going to happen. And part of it is just plain being out of practice. Scary how quickly that happens…

Writing Session 2: Dunning Manor
Author/Genre: JD/paranormal rom. suspense
Words written:  775
Total words: 9,398
Time Spent: 30 minutes (late night)

Notes: This draft just isn’t really doing it for me…but it’s good practice anyways. It’s shaping up to just be a short story, and that’s okay. Maybe someday I’ll get a novel out of the premise. We shall see…

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