Writer’s Log: Oct. 22, 2013

Writing Session 1: Jasmine Betrayal
Author/Genre: JD/romantic suspense
Words written: 382

Total words: 10,488
Time Spent:  15 minutes (break)

Notes: I
can’t say how excited I was after losing a writing day yesterday to
open this draft up, and realize I’d started this week’s installment last
Friday. Very cool. Even better, my main plot had come together last
time, so I merely had to keep typing and watch the end game start to
unfold. This afternoon I’ll finish this installment, and be back on
track for the week, more or less. Getting ahead is good!

Writing Session 2: Jasmine Betrayal
Author/Genre: JD/romantic suspense
Words written: 219

Total words: 10,707
Time Spent:  15 minutes (break)

I could’ve easily kept going, dang it. But this scene is done, and
tonight I’ll start on the new installment for CB. We’re getting there!
Only three more installments left to go for this story, I think

Writing Session 3: Creme Brulee
Author/Genre: TM/erotic romance
Words written: 658

Total words: 3178
Time Spent:  45 minutes (after work)

Oh yeah. Gotta love meddling sisters. Great way to get to a BBQ you
don’t want to go to, I’d imagine. And now poor Jeanette is stuck facing
her fate, while I’m stuck salivating over the thought of grilled

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