Writer’s Log: October 10, 2013

Writing Session 1: Jasmine Betrayal/Creme Brulee
Author/Genre: JD/romantic suspense – TM/erotic romance
Words written:  74/199

Total words: 9,062/1,295
Time Spent:  15 minutes (break)

Notes: After no writing yesterday (seriously busy day!), I’m playing serious catch-up today, which means we’re going to be genre-hopping like you wouldn’t believe. Yes, I did just finish tomorrow’s scene for Jasmine Betrayal, and then I switched gears, opened Creme Brulee, and started tomorrow’s scene for that. In 15 minutes. Yes, I may be just a tad bit dizzy. Next break, more on Creme Brulee, and I’ll probably finish it up after work. Then I have a horror flash fiction story to write for tomorrow…and no, I don’t really know what it will be about, only that the title is “Death Webs” (because it sounds creepy and spiderrific). 

Hold on to your hats, people. We’re in for a wild writing ride today. Gotta love deadlines…

Writing Session 2: Creme Brulee
Author/Genre: TM/erotic romance
Words written:  196

Total words: 1,491 
Time Spent:  15 minutes (break)

Notes: Yeah, yeah…slow going. Creating and maintaining the right level of tension for the right amount of time isn’t always as easy as one might think…moreso when I’m just getting familiar with the characters. It’ll be easier once I get to know them both better. Shouldn’t be hard to finish this scene up after work though. 

Writing Session 3: Creme Brulee/Death Webs
Author/Genre: TM/erotic romance – AW/horror
Words written: 258/ 736

Total words: 1,749/ 736
Time Spent:  45 minutes (after work)

Notes: It’s pretty amazing what kind of miracles a deadline or three can do, isn’t it? Finished the scene for Creme Brulee, and it’s *hot*, if I do say so myself, even though very little actually happens. It’s all about the emotions, baby. And tension. Lots and lots of tension. Whew! Poor Jeanette is about to burn…

I also got a rather decent start on my horror flash piece for tomorrow. My poor little control freak thinks she has everything all planned out, and the plan is going well. Until it doesn’t. Because that never happens to anyone *I* know, right?   I’ll finish this with a quick late-night session tonight, and then I’ll be all caught up with the “must-dos” (though still way behind on the holiday serials, dang it)…

Never did get back to it – I tried, but was just too tired. So…first break tomorrow to finish the flash. *Then* back to the holiday serials…

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