Writer’s Log: October 16, 2013

Writing Session 1: Creme Brulee
Author/Genre: TM/erotic romance
Words written: 294 

Total words: 2,438 
Time Spent:  15 minutes (break)

Notes: Alrighty then. Now I need to figure out what our intrepid, confused and rather hot n’ bothered heroine does for a living. Because whatever it is, it doesn’t pay enough for the night she just gave up for it… *sigh* 

Writing Session 2: The Naughty List
Author/Genre: TM/erotic romance
Words written: n/a 

Total words: 2,421 
Time Spent:  15 minutes (break)

Notes: Irritation is going back to the last installment, and realizing you left it on a tense cliffhanger in which the characters are going separate ways. And forgot to write that into the first 2k words of the next part… *sigh*  Just changed some wording, added some sentences, and tried to figure out how to fix that…

Writing Session 3: The Naughty List
Author/Genre: TM/erotic romance
Words written: 257 

Total words: 2,678 
Time Spent:  30 minutes (after work)

Notes: Alrighty then. I found the problem, and now we have to deal with it. And this section is way longer than it should be already due to the tie in with the other two stories. Dang it. But…we write until this section of story is done, which means we have issues to work through and decisions to make. 

Writing Session 4: The Naughty List
Author/Genre: TM/erotic romance
Words written: 383

Total words: 3,061 
Time Spent:  30 minutes (late night)

Notes: Whew! Finally broke through the hard part, and now we just need a little fun, and a little bargaining before I can finish this particular installment up. Should be able to do that tomorrow. Getting closer….

One thought on “Writer’s Log: October 16, 2013”

  1. I love all of your stories but you are killing me with the holiday serials. I think it is the wait. Patience may be a virtue but it is not one of mine! 😉 I can’t wait to read what you have written now! Pace, pace, pace!

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