Writer’s Notes: February 19, 2022

Current Project Progress

The Lucky Squirrel: 1,734 words (complete!)
MM (Editing): Page
180 of 328

It was a good week for writerly things, as you can see by my project progress above. Three days off from the day job helped a lot, and in addition to finally finishing LS, I got 40 more pages edited, and I also got five more covers redone, added to the ebook files, and uploaded to all the distribution points.

I *also* decided to switch writing programs after using Dabble’s plot grid to plan out the rest of the story and tell me what I needed to be writing each night. That helped immensely, and I think it’s going to help a lot when I start revising/rewriting all these drafts I have just sitting around. Not to mention keeping new ideas better organized. So I’m making backups of all the drafts I have in Novlr, and will add them to Dabble as I start working on them.

As for what I’m going to work on next, it’s going to be a spring short story release for April. The draft is done, but it needs pretty heavy revisions, so I’ll be plugging that into Dabble’s plot grid this coming Monday (I have the day off – it’s a federal holiday). I have another project I’ll be working on simultaneously on different days just to make sure I’m getting new words in each week.

So I’m finally moving faster than a tortoise, which feels great! And telling stories about gnomes, beets, and kisses (not all in the same story, though…that would be one crazy tale, methinks!).

It’s good to be back in the saddle, so to speak. Now if I could just get back to writing faster, or at least revising quickly, that would be spectacular.

It’s late as I’m writing this, and I need to get some sleep, but next week, I’ll start posting a resource I’ve found particularly helpful for authors – one per week.

Until then, happy reading and many words to you!

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