Writer’s Notes: January 10, 2014

Writing Session 1: MacKenzie Saves the World
Author/Genre: JD/sweet romance
Words written:  363
Total words:  21,327
Time Spent: 15 minutes (break)

Notes: Well that took a rather unexpected turn. And now I’m not as close to ending the episode as I wanted to be about now. Dang it. Maybe the next session will at least get the scene finished? Hmm…

Writing Session 2: MacKenzie Saves the World
Author/Genre: JD/sweet romance
Words written:  208
Total words:  21,535
Time Spent: 15 minutes (break)

Notes: Alrighty then. Thick tension & bad mojo, but the scene is done. We’ll see where it’s going next week…

Writing Session 3: Donteneoux’s Dragon
Author/Genre: JDC/dystopian sci-fi
Words written:  N/A
Total words:  2000
Time Spent: 30 minutes (after work)

Notes: No writing this session. I started this draft last year, and ended up having to put it aside when I took on a project that grew out of control. But I’ve scheduled time weekly to work on it now, and I took this session to read through what I’ve already written, make a few edits, and just generally reorient myself to the story. Needles to say, I’m excited to get back to work on it next week. 

And now…the weekend! Woot! 

One thought on “Writer’s Notes: January 10, 2014”

  1. Woo hoo back to the dragon story!!!! I will be glad to see what Kenzie is up to of course, but I have been ready for the dragon story too. I liked the start and have been waiting patiently. Ahem! Cheers, Ardee-ann

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