Writer’s Notes: January 6, 2014

Writing Session 1: When She Cries
Author/Genre: AW/suspense
Words written:  253
Total words:  4,456
Time Spent: 15 minutes (break)

Notes: Slow start today, but I had to reorient myself and figure out where this story was headed next. Should be interesting to see what happens this afternoon…there’s a little twist that should be working itself to the surface soon. Things are not always what they seem…but sometimes we have to trust them anyways. Temporarily, at least. 

Writing Session 2: When She Cries
Author/Genre: AW/suspense
Words written:  454
Total words:  4,910
Time Spent: 15 minutes (break)

Notes: Nice. A wee bit of interesting information (though not quite the twist I thought, but it will come eventually), a bit of a thrill, and progress forward. Can’t complain, and this week’s scene done. 

Writing Session 3: Creme Brulee
Author/Genre: TM/erotic romance
Words written:  652
Total words: 11,606
Time Spent: 30 minutes (after work)

Notes: Well alrighty then. That scene worked up quickly. And heated up quickly too. All isn’t well just yet, but they’ll get there, though I have no idea how. Writing wouldn’t be any fun if I knew how the story went ahead of time.

A good writing day, for sure! Hopefully that sets the tone for the rest of the week…

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