Writer’s Notes: January 7, 2014

Writing Session 1: MacKenzie Saves the World
Author/Genre: JD/sweet romance
Words written:  n/a
Total words:  20,425
Time Spent: 15 minutes (break)

Notes: I started this scene last week, but in a different POV (was originally part of the previous scene, but I decided this “chunk” needed to start the next one). So I spent this session basically reworking this 300 word section into the correct POV. Next session, more new words!

Writing Session 2: MacKenzie Saves the World
Author/Genre: JD/sweet romance
Words written:  539
Total words:  20,964
Time Spent: 30 minutes (after work)

Notes: This scene isn’t quite finished yet, but coming along nicely, I think. Should be interesting to “listen in” on the conversation that’s coming up soon… (writers love to eavesdrop, you know)

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