Writer’s Notes: January 9, 2014

Writing Session 1: Under His Wing (Dunning Manor rewrite)
Author/Genre: JD/sweet paranormal romance
Words written:  44
Total words:  44
Time Spent: 15 minutes (break)

Notes: Yes, I know. 44 words seems like nothing. But in 15 minutes I re-acquainted myself with what I’d previously written for Dunning Manor, decided on a new start for the story (a new structure entirely, actually), and settled on a setting (which the first iteration was missing). And I wrote 44 words to get the rewrite started. So it was a very productive break, even though little of it was actual writing. The next session should clip along pretty fast as far as new words go…

Writing Session 2: Under His Wing (Dunning Manor rewrite)
Author/Genre: JD/sweet paranormal romance
Words written:  533
Total words:  577
Time Spent: 30 minutes (after work)

Notes: And…scene/prologue done. Oh yes. This is a *much* better start than the first one. Hopefully readers will be as intrigued as I am about this man, and keep reading for the “rest of the story”. Either way, I’m really looking forward to this next bit. But first, gotta get another MacKenzie scene written tomorrow….

One thought on “Writer’s Notes: January 9, 2014”

  1. You have a loyal reader in Little Rock, Arkansas doing a serious happy dance. I can’t wait to read this new version of the story. I like the name too. It has more of the “paranormal” sound rather than a stark potentially “horror” sound although I liked the name “Dunning Manor” too. It sounded like a place to be reckoned with. Cheers, Ardee-ann

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