Writer’s Notes: March 11, 2014

Writing Session 1: Under His Wing
Author/Genre: JD/contemp. paranormal romance
Words written:  439
Total words:  7,179
Time Spent: 60 minutes (midnight – 1am)

Notes: Hmm…a literal tug-of-war between two men, with an invisible barrier keeping the two apart. Check, and check. Poor Katie…

writing has taken a bit of a hit for the last couple weeks, as
evidenced here by the lack of updates. I came down with a bad cold last
week that really put a damper on everything (couldn’t think, so writing
got put off until the absolute last moment), and it’s been all I can do
to keep up with the serial stories plus regular blog posts (I didn’t
even manage that last week – missed the reading post). Last Friday was a
marathon writing day, since I had to find time for two and a half
serial scenes that I hadn’t even started writing yet. Whew! And I just
didn’t have the energy to write up updates for this blog.

I’m on the mend now, and trying to get my writing sessions back on
track. I’m already late this week again – work’s been busy, and since I
normally write on my breaks and haven’t been actually taking said
breaks, that’s got me behind again. I’m going to make an effort to
*take* my breaks for the rest of the week so I can end on Friday with
more than just my serial scenes done. I still need to finish the short
story for the newsletter before I can send that out too…

happens. We get busy, we get sick, we get sidetracked. The important
part is that we keep writing…we might have to let it go for a few days
due to “foggy head” or whatever, but getting back to it as soon as
possible is the best way I’ve found for not losing that all important
“habit” aspect that allows me to get as much done as I do.

And now I need to get some sleep, so I can continue getting caught up tomorrow…

One thought on “Writer’s Notes: March 11, 2014”

  1. Jamie, I know you have been sick and very much under the weather. I just missed your Drafting Desk posts so I asked about them. I certainly wasn’t pushing because I am the absolute last writer to push anyone. I hadn’t even gotten a piddly little blog post written
    in almost 2 weeks until tonight.

    I am glad that you are feeling better.



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