Making the Time

**Quick note: MacKenzie Saves the World is on sale now for just 99 cents at Barnes & Noble and Kobo! The sale ends Monday, August 14th at 12:00am, so get your copy today!

Impromptu blogging break last week because…I decided I needed to make writing new words more of a priority, which means reserving my weeknight writing time specifically for writing and/or revising fiction.

And that means, if I don’t get a blog post written and scheduled for the week between Friday night and Sunday night, it doesn’t happen for that week. When I made the “rule” for myself, I was thinking it shouldn’t be a problem. But of course, things happen, especially on weekends, and I’m still working out the kinks in my schedule to make sure I have the time I need.

I’m also struggling a bit with trying to find time to work out certain elements of plot with this new story. I need to work out a family tree so I know the lineage I’m working with, and can refer to it in the story without getting things all dangled-up timewise. This isn’t “writing” per se, but I feel like I really need to have it worked out before I go much further, probably because it’s an integral part of the main storyline. I think I’m going to have to make that more of a priority as well, but once it’s done, it’s done, so at least that’s a finite part of planning.

Of course I have a few side projects I want to work on kind of at the same time, so there’s that. I have issues with way, way too many ideas, and not nearly enough time to explore them all at once. I always work on more than one project at a time, but I know that makes all the projects slower. But working on one project for the duration is just…well…boring.

So you see my problem.

The important thing is, I’m making writing fiction a priority, and I’m very optimistic about the whole thing.

But it does mean I might miss a blog post here and there. Sacrifices must be made, sometimes.

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