
Variety News, August 9, 2012

On My Mind
Delayed gratification. That’s what’s been on my mind most recently. I mean, I’ve been thinking about it a lot this past year anyway, because it goes hand-in-hand with things like patience and discipline. But recently I allowed myself to get caught up in a binge-watching marathon I was hoping would just burn out if I indulged it, and…well, I had to forcibly pull the plug, as my “experiment” did not work and I was just getting more and more sucked in (and more behind on things that are really important to me as well).

TV shows used to come on one episode a week, and you’d wait a week for the next one. Getting new books required a trip to the store or library, and even new items for house or jewelry box or whatever required a trip to the store. Now everything comes to us, seamlessly and in one lump sum, and we are inundated with more entertainment and easier access to “things” with less opportunity cost than ever before.

It’s changed my personality and my ability to focus, and I’m increasingly uncomfortable with that. So I’m slowing myself down. Limiting myself to one episode of that particular “binge” show per week. Restricting my buying habits to certain times and limitations. Even taking control of my diet again, and eating when I’m hungry, things I know work with my body, and *stopping before I’m stuffed*. Going to bed at a specific time every night, regardless of what I haven’t gotten done, so I can get a full 6 hours of sleep.

It’s been one week since I implemented all these things, and the difference is pretty amazing. I feel better both physically and mentally, I’m writing again, and this blog post will actually be posted, because I’m managing my time and focus better. And I did all that in the midst of some stressful dog-health news that I’ll let the dogs discuss on the dog blog later.

Can delayed gratification influence discipline and focus? I’d say absolutely. Maybe we all need to just slow down and *wait* for things a little more often.


I started crocheting a scarf several months back that was put on hold when the puppies went wild. This week, I got it back out with the intention of working on it in the evenings. I left it alone for five minutes, and the whole thing is a tangled mess now, thanks to Apollo. There will be a lot of detangling/re-winding going on before I can actually work on it any more. Ugh.


Our hibiscus bloomed! It’s gorgeous, as is the rest of our new rock garden that replaced the front yard.

There are events all over right now, in Pokemon Go, Animal Crossing Pocket Camp, and Animal Crossing New Horizons. So I’m playing events at the moment, which is fun all the way around.

The show I’m no longer “bingeing” is Gilmore Girls. In the evenings, the hubby and I are watching the last season of Wynonna Earp, which is…chaotic and a little desperate with the comedy so far. We’ll see how it pans out.

We’ve also been watching the Olympics – swimming, mainly, but also some running and a little gymnastics.

Playing for Keeps by Jill Shalvis. Because she is my favorite romantic comedy writer, and the ebook recently went on sale. Score!

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