
Variety News: January 25, 2022

Photo of the Week

Queen of Clubs

I found this in the snow a couple weeks ago, and had to bring it home. It was in slightly better shape when I picked it up, but soaked, and I tried to clean it up a bit while it dried, which was obviously a mistake. Still, I love the design. Very old school!

General News
I had a “duh” moment recently that I’m almost embarrassed to share. But those make the best stories, so…here you go.

My husband and I were given some popcorn for Christmas – kernels, not the pre-popped kind (thank goodness). I didn’t really like popcorn for a long time, because the kernel shells would get stuck in my teeth, but having gotten my teeth fixed and my gums in better shape, I’ve been coming back to it, slowly, and enjoying the weekend snack.

There was just one problem with the gift of popcorn kernels. I didn’t have a popcorn popper. And while I could make it on the stove, who has the time/desire to do that (especially since my cookware is pretty heavy)?

So I asked for a popcorn popper for my birthday, and received a microwave one, which didn’t look anything like the cone-shaped microwave popcorn contraptions we used to use when I was young. Instead, this looked like…a bowl. A large plastic bowl with a lid sporting a few small vents in the top.

That’s it.

It was then, and only then that the proverbial light bulb came on, and I thought to myself, “This is just a bowl. A big, plastic bowl. There’s absolutely nothing special about it. So does that mean I can microwave popcorn in any old microwave-safe bowl from my cupboard?”

A quick google search confirmed my worst fears. Yes, yes I can microwave popcorn in any microwave safe bowl from my cupboard, including a nice glass bowl with a plate placed on top. *sigh* So I asked for, and received another piece of plastic I didn’t need (in case you don’t know, I try to avoid using plastics as much as possible).

So. Naturally I asked my husband if he knew that, and he didn’t, which made me feel slightly better. Then I told my mom, and she didn’t know that either, so I felt marginally better yet.

But I still feel stupid for not figuring this out sooner for myself. Marketing is a powerful thing, and I know that, but seriously…ugh.

Currently Reading
On my kindle: Creative Self-Publishing by Orna A. Ross (non-fiction)
Print fiction: A Gambling Man
by David Baldacci (thriller) – this isn’t really catching me…I’m liking the style, but the characters haven’t grabbed me yet. We’ll see.
A River of Words
by Carol R. Ward – my book flood book of prompt stories from my buddy Carol. I love these, because they’re short and fun!

Video Highlight
I can’t wait until my hair is long enough to do this. It’s almost long enough to bun, so…another six months or so?
Everyday Edwardian Hairstyle – httpss://

Pop Quiz!
If you’ve made it this far, thank you for reading/scanning! Now here’s a question for you:
What kind of toppings do you like on your popcorn (if any)?
My answer: Just plain ol’ butter and salt.

Post Round-up
The Writer’s Desk (last updated: January 23, 2022)

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