
Moving Forward into Spring

Bleeding Hearts

I’m happy to report that while I still have a long ways to go, I’m definitely on the mend. The deep itching that signifies healing has started, and I can eat a somewhat wider variety of food now, which is both helpful and a bit eye-opening. I always thought I was a mostly healthy eater with some junk food tendencies before, but considering what I’ve been craving, maybe not so much. I have been trying to make better choices, just because my stomach is on again, off again at best, so it’s day to day whether I’ll feel okay twelve hours after I eat something, or if I’ll be paying for it with a fair amount of gastric pain. I will be so relieved when this finally all just settles down (assuming it will, eventually).

I can’t tell you how badly I want a good stretch for my torso and back. I don’t dare, because stitches, but it’s incredibly hard to resist, and I have to catch myself mid-stretch and just…stop. I go in for a three week post-op checkup next Wednesday, and hopefully I’ll only have a week or two after that to keep myself quiet, so to speak.

I am managing a few flights of stairs daily at work, so that’s good. The dogs are incredibly confused as to why we can’t walk, with the weather so beautiful at the moment. Hopefully next week I’ll feel more comfortable risking short walks with them individually. I’m worried that we’ll miss the inevitably short spring and it’ll be hot by the time I’m finally up to walking them again. But Apollo is a heavy puller, so…. *sigh*

In the meantime, I’m also looking rather longingly at my yard. It desperately needs spring cleanup, and I may try to find a low stool to facilitate some of that this weekend. It’s been so warm already, and we’re supposed to get rain for the next few days, so everything’s ready to grow. I have buds on my roses, green blades coming up in the decorative grasses, and our bleeding hearts (pictured above) are already growing and blooming like crazy. It won’t be long before the hydrangeas bud out, and the rudbeckia start throwing new leaves, but the hibiscus should sleep awhile longer.

The urge to write…to get some words down while I’m driving back and forth from work is strong with the nicer weather too. I think I’ll start that up next week as well, and see if I can make some headway on my current WIPs (works in progress). I’ll have a bit of extra money from the dayjob soon (longevity check – yay!), and while some needs to go towards bills, some will go towards some much needed publishing tools, like another block of ISBNs. That will allow me to publish again, and work on getting some more of my stories into print format.

Spring is a time of rejuvenation and motivation, and I’m definitely feeling both at the moment. I wish I could seize the moment a little more firmly, since summer will be along to spoil the fun more quickly than I’d like, but I’ll do what I can, and hope the heat stays away for awhile longer.

Are you off and running with spring fever? What’s on your “want to” or “got to” lists before the hot summer sets in?

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