
Variety News – September 14, 2021

On My Mind
My appointment with my optometrist was interesting and both disheartening and hopeful, though not for the reasons I thought it might be. I now have two pair of glasses, one pair of progressives for everyday wear, and a second pair for computer work with only the two closer powers in them.

I don’t love having two pair, but the computer glasses do make things clearer at “screen distance”. It takes my eyes a good chunk of time to refocus with the different lenses though, so I’m not sure the trade-off is worth it. At the moment, it depends on how long I’m going to be working without being interrupted by co-workers. There’s no point in using the computer glasses if I’m going to get interrupted often enough to make refocusing difficult. But for longer sessions, they do work well.

The hopeful part of my appointment came in the form of a referral to a corneal specialist. I have raised whitish areas on my corneas that look a bit like a glob of jelly if you look closely enough at my eyeballs. Those on my right eye have started growing into my field of vision, which is causing a much worse loss of vision in that eye. But according to my optometrist, they can often be removed, which will improve vision in most cases (the doc said it would probably help me a lot). More importantly, it may help with the tearing and dry-eye problems, not to mention the constant feeling that I have something in my eyes (which I do, technically).

My doc referred me to a local ophthalmologist who does such things (I looked him up online, and he’s extremely well-regarded), and his office called the next day to set me up with an evaluation appointment. So I have that to look forward to in late September, and the hope that maybe they can do something to lesson the strength of my prescription and ease my symptoms, which would be…amazing.

Honestly, if the only thing it did was take away the constant feeling of having something in my eye, it would be totally worth it. So we’ll see (pun not intended – ha!), but I’m hopeful.

Tech Stuff
I have lots of fun new tech to talk about, but that will be another post. For now, I’ll leave you with this link to some very cool “smart goggles” that you know if I was still swimming I’d seriously be thinking about trying them. Because…cool!

I’ve been failing miserably at carb control lately, and it shows (literally). More importantly, I don’t feel “good”, generally speaking, and I really need to get that under control. I hate to admit it, but I may have to try menu planning again, just so I can make sure I have the “right option” available to choose every time, even if I choose to ignore it. This is important though, so I need to set myself up for success. *sigh*

Have you heard of the new show “Only Murders in the Building” (I think it’s on Hulu)? My husband heard about it first, and we’ve watched a few episodes now. It’s really quite good, and has some fantastic one-liners (I mean, it’s Steve Martin & Martin Short, so….). Give it a watch if you can (well, and if you enjoy a good whodunit, of course). You won’t be disappointed.

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