
The Ides of March & Corned Beef

I got to thinking about Shakespeare’s quote in Julius Caesar this month: “Beware the Ides of March….” I was wondering about the origins and background, so I looked it up, and found this interesting article from The History Channel. Check it out, if you’re curious too. Not terribly ominous, though crazy things do tend to happen on a full moon.

It’s been a busy month, and despite my best efforts, I find myself struggling to get done what I want to get done. Moreso than normal, I mean.

The storage unit clean-out is nearly done, and it looks like this weekend should be nice weather for another load or two. I think we’re down to the last three…one for the dump/electronics recycling, and two more to the house. I’ve not been going through boxes like I’d hoped to, so they’re all stacked down in the basement, but at least they’re easy to get to now.

I will be very happy to be done with the weekly moving trips. My back will be much, much happier too. Of course there’s the sorting and disseminating stuff that needs to be done after, but I plan to designate Saturday nights for that going forward. One box a week should get it done…well, by the end of the year, at least.

Last week I had a HIDA scan to check my gallbladder function, and…turns out, I have none (as in, the results said “no significant function”). So, I’ll be getting my gallbladder removed at some point this spring or summer, which will set me back a bit in terms of the 6-8 week recovery period, but it will be worth it once everything is healed.

But to prepare for that, once I know the date, I’ll need to work on stocking up on dog food and figuring out ways of getting things done that don’t involve lifting over eight pounds (roughly a gallon of water) for a few weeks. Yet another annoying challenge, but, eyes on the prize, right? I’ll be home for a week or so, probably, which will give me time to write and work on writing-related things, which could be very good if I take advantage of it.

As far as writing goes…I’m not. I want to, and there’s no real reason I can’t, I’m just…not. I have a whole bunch of excuses, and none of them are good or even really valid, because the honest truth is, if I was motivated enough or wanted to badly enough, I would get it done.

I’m working on it. It’s a mental thing, and I think one of my biggest issues is having so much going on between my health and the storage unit thing and daily life and incredibly busy weekends where I have pretty much zero downtime…I don’t really have the mental capacity for being creative at the moment. Whenever I get a free moment or three, I’m so tired or just tapped out mentally that I can’t seem to find that flow.

This is temporary, or that’s what I keep telling myself. I want to write, I do. I want to get back into my Magpie stories and find out what happens next. I just…can’t right now. I need a break, a reset, a few days (or even just hours) when I’m not trying to solve problems *and* I don’t have to interact with people. I’m going to try to take a couple days off this weekend. One of those has to be for taxes, but the other is going to be for relaxing and trying to regain my bearings, so to speak.

In any case, I did find a way to lesson the amount of hands-on time I spend making dog food on the weekends, so there’s that. Small victories, right?

And corned beef day is coming! I may only be a tiny bit Irish, but I do love some good St. Patrick’s Day food. Corned beef for dinner Friday, beer cheese and sausage soup tonight for dinner, and a Reuben casserole will be on the menu at some point as well, not to mention Reuben sandwiches with the leftovers this weekend. Yum!

I was curious about the origins of corned beef as well, and found this article in The Smithsonian that is interesting, sad, and enlightening. Needless to say, I approve of the Irish love of pork and bacon for their main meats. Mmm…bacon.

Are you a fan of Irish-American food? What’s your favorite treat for St. Patrick’s Day?


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