
Variety News – January 4, 2022

Photo of the Week

Tea – one of my favorite things, and arguably a necessity in life.This particular cup was Silver Sprout from Adagio Teas.

General News
So far, this year’s off to a good start. No, my office isn’t clean, and the house is still cluttery (neither of those are goals, so it’s all good), but I’ve been writing and reading and moving (and even editing!), and my new routines feel pretty “comfortable” already – which is a good sign.

The weather’s been nicer for the past couple of days too, which is also good. Unfortunately another extreme cold snap is headed our way, so…back into the deep freeze we go. I did get the dogs out for one short walk before that happens, at least. But we’ll be stuck inside for the foreseeable future, so I may have to step up my “indoor dog activities” game, somehow.

In the meantime, along with my writing goals, I’m focused on reclaiming my pre-holiday weight, because like most people, I did a bit too much as far as “celebrating with food” goes. And when I say “a bit”, I mean “way too much”. The problem is, all those complex carbs that have me inflated like a frickin’ beach ball are easy on the gut, and now I have the problem of trying to find a happy medium between decent digestion and the cells in every part of my body doing their best puffer-fish impressions.

Thanks to the CT scan last fall, at least I sort of have an idea of where to start, so…lots of trial and error coming my way. Right after we eat the last two tiny cheesecake cups that are still hanging out in the fridge.

For the new year, I thought I’d redo the blog format just a smidge. General news will remain as is (naturally), but I’m adding a few multimedia highlights each week that I think could be fun/inspirational/informative. I’m not sure if I’ll keep posting them in the main weekly posts or branch them out into their own focused posts, but for now, you’ll find them making their debut below. Enjoy!

Currently Reading
On my kindle (app): The Lost Duke of Wyndham by Julia Quinn (historical romance)
Print fiction: A Gambling Man by David Baldacci (thriller)

Song of the Week
Can’t Stop the Feeling by Justin Timberlake
Because…can you even stop moving when you listen to this song?!

Video Highlight
I follow Beth for her “going gray” content, but I really found this video on how she started her YouTube channel interesting. Her videos are so professional, it’s hard to believe her channel is only a year old.

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